Springtime = Family Portraits!

The warm weather this week has me in my springtime feels!

There are a lot of events ahead of us for those with children or who are in school. For a lot of families, especially those with a high school senior, an updated family portrait is on the menu.

Usually, the thought of gathering everyone for a family portrait can seem stressful. I’m a professional photographer, and heck, it’s stressful for me to get my crew together for a portrait, so I feel your pain 100%! That’s why I put together a short guide to share with you that will help you get the most out of your family portrait session.

Take a look below!

A Guide to Posing for Your Family Photos

The key to taking genuine and authentic family photos is knowing how to pose in front of the camera. We always pose our clients from start to finish, but it’s always helpful for a client to know what to expect ahead of time.

If you’ve never taken professional family photos before or if you simply want to improve on your last session, here is some advice on how to pose that will leave you with exceptional images.

Get Close

The last thing you want is a family portrait that looks stiff and awkward. The secret to creating a beautiful, intimate family photo is to get close. Snuggle up with the people you love if you want the best photos. If there are people of varying heights in the photo, we take a few photos on the same level so that you can get your heads close together too.

Have Fun

Your photos always look more authentic when your family is genuinely having fun and laughing! Spend time talking about your favorite vacation or a memory that makes you all laugh out loud. These candid moments always make for the best photos.

Keep it Natural

When you overthink posing, it takes away from the genuineness of your photos, which is why it helps to shoot your family photos in a setting where you’re all comfortable and where you can go about your lives as naturally as possible. For example, if you’re in an outdoor setting, take your little one for a walk. If you’re shooting an at home session, bake something together or snuggle up for a story. 

Use Your Surroundings

Very often, standing upright in the middle of a room or garden will make your photos look and feel stiff. Use your surroundings to make yourselves more comfortable. For example, if there’s a wall in the vicinity, lean up against it. If there’s a couch available, we will pose you on that for a few shots.

Make Use of Props

If you would like to change things up a bit or give a younger child something to do, you can also always incorporate a few basic props into your photos to get a few non-standard shots. Favorite stuffed animals are always sweet, along with things like blowing bubbles or sitting in an heirloom family rocking chair.

We always help our clients plan their session from start to finish so that the stars align and you have the best experience possible for your family session. If you’re ready to schedule your springtime family session, let us know by calling us at 870-866-8526 or requesting an appointment at this link: https://www.unlimitedphotography.net/form/contact-tara

What?? I won?!

As many of you know, I’ve been in Destin, Florida over the weekend attending one of the nations largest Senior conferences with 500 of the best photographers in the US!  Our schedule was jam packed, 8am-10ish every day.  We listened to some of the hottest photographers on the scene (Sue Bryce and Teri Fode to name a few!) and learned everything from posing to lighting and marketing.  I’m so excited about all the new ideas and trends I’m bringing back to the studio!

We left about 8:30 Friday morning.  We all intended on taking naps throughout the ride and switching up driving.  Yeah, that didn’t work lol!  As you probably predicted, we talked the entire ride.  Jennifer even tried to nap at one point and it lasted a whole 5 minutes.  I think the ride there and home was almost just as important as the conference, though.  We had a ton of discussion about our dreams and aspirations for our studio, and how we can achieve those things.img_0043

We arrived that evening and had our first meeting after registering.  We.  Were.  Pumped.


We spent the entire day Saturday in classes.  Teri Fode, one of the top photographers in the US was there to speak on Monday, and we saw her in the midst of everyone at some of our classes.  We were all star struck.  I wanted to go up and speak to her SO bad.  I even crossed paths with her that morning and MADE EYE CONTACT, and couldn’t do anything but smile and keep walking.  Finally, that night, I was walking past her and she looked up and I just went for it.  She was SO incredibly nice and enthusiastically agreed to take a selfie with us!  Here it is:



Y’all.  I can’t even.  When we floated away on cloud 9 and I looked back to see this, I didn’t know whether to laugh or lay out in the floor and cry, so Jennifer, Kimberly and I just chose to laugh and did so for about 10 minutes straight.  You know, the kind of laugh where you can’t breath and people probably think somethings wrong with you.  I mean, I’m a professional photographer and I can’t even take a picture on my iPhone!!!

Jennifer saw her coming our way so she told her what happened and we all belly laughed for awhile.  Thankfully she agreed to snap another with us.  I didn’t get it wrong this time lol.


After a day of classes and the above mentioned events, we were given a 2 hour supper break before coming back to another class, and we just had to go see a glimpse of the beach, even though it was almost dark.  It was beautiful.


Sunday started with a wonderful worship service with Luke McElroy.  To say I felt the holy spirit’s presence is an understatement.  He filled the room and it was so refreshing to see SO many people show up to the service and to be able to worship Jesus at a photography conference that way.  In fact, most if not all of the speakers referenced God during their journey at some point or another.  What a blessing that was.

We, once again, ran to the beach during our break.  The day was beautiful.  The temp was probably mid-70’s but the water was chilly.  Perfect day to sit on the beach and relax.



We finished Sunday with supper at Baytown Wharf, with a serene view of Destin in the distance.img_0182


Monday was TERI FODE DAY!  We spent the day listening to her.  She was just as amazing as I imagined.


Monday evening was the closing awards ceremony and party for the SYNC conference.  They awarded the photographers who entered print competition then the DJ carried the party until 11pm.  I may or may not have sang ‘Living on a Prayer’ with Jennifer on my snapchat.  If you didn’t see it, shame on your for not following me lol (btw it’s tdickson05 so go follow!) !


The conference was so much more than I even imagined.  It was so well put together.  We are definitely going again next year!

SO in reference to the title of this blog, ‘What?  I won?!’, here’s what that is all about.  I entered my name about a month ago to win a spot in a 3 day workshop with Gary Box (Box Studio’s) in Oklahoma.  Mr. Jim Cook bought and donated the spot for the drawing ($995 value).  Gary is another top photographer in the US and speaks at many events as well.  He will be speaking at SYNC next year!

I got a Facebook notification that he tagged me in a post yesterday, so I checked and I WON!  Out of 200+ names, they drew my name!  Y’all, I never win anything.  I was beyond shocked.  So, I will be learning from another one of the best photographers around April 2, 3 and 4!  I cannot thank God enough for this blessing.

2017 is going to be an amazing year of fun and RISK taking.  I’m ready.



Investing in my Education

This past weekend was one I’ve been waiting on for awhile.  I attended the Professional Photographer’s of the Ozarks Focus ’15 Photography Conference in Springdale, Arkansas.  My friends and I (Kimberly of Kimberly McNabb Photography and Jennifer of The Click Chick Photography) decided in the summer that we needed to attend after seeing the speaker list and how much we would learn!  I will admit, I was a little nervous about leaving my boys for two nights, but after Drew assured me he could handle it (he thought lol) I allowed myself to calm down and get excited.  I pulled out of southeast Arkansas early Saturday morning with coffee in hand and a full tank of gas.  I met the girls in Morrilton and off we went.

Saturday we attended a newborn class, taught by the amazing Lisa Rapp, an outdoor lighting for seniors class with Mario Mastitti. Saturday evening finished up with everyone hanging out at Bedfords Bash and a little bowling.  Sunday was a full day with a classes taught by Ron Jackson (architectural work) Miles Witt Boyer (social media) and Kimberly Smith (print competition). I’ve never done any architectural/realty type work before, but since taking Ron’s class I’m itching to play around!  Sunday night was capped off with an awards ceremony to recognize outstanding prints from print competition.  I could kick myself for not entering this year.  I WILL enter next year!!

Overall this weekend was amazing.  The classes were full of information that helped me grow, and so were the late night chats with my fellow photographers (while in our pjs!).  I strive to continue to grow and learn as a photographer because my clients all deserve nothing but the best from me….and that’s what I aim to provide!

So now, I’m off to prepare for a senior session that’s happening this evening and put all of this knowledge I soaked up this weekend to good use.

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